Have you ever said to someone that you need some sun? Of course, and that is because all living things rely on sun to grow and stay healthy. It is the original source of energy for our planet. So it would seem like a no-brainer that we would all be hooked up to it, right?
Solar energy is one of the only truly renewable sources of energy because somewhere on earth it is always available and it never runs out. On the other hand oil, coal and natural gas are known as non-renewables because one day they will be gone completely.
So how have we learnt to harness the energy from the sun to power not just ourselves but our machines and why it is not the most popular form of energy production?
Solar electricity is converted directly from sunlight using solar cells. Modern solar cells were first invented in the twentieth century. and are made from thin layers of a chemical called silicon. When sunlight hits the silicon it generates an electric field across the layers. The electricity can be drawn off and used to power electrical equipment.
Solar cells only work well when the Sun is out. They are very dependent on the weather. On a dull day, they produce less electricity than on sunny day, and they do not work at night.
Other solar devices can capture the Sun's heat and be used to heat up water or air. The most common form of solar heating is solar hot water system.
They consist of a panel containing thin tubes filled with water, which is usually placed on the roof of a house. The Sun warms the water in the pipes and it is then sent to an insulated storage tank. More pipes may connect the tank to the houses' central heating and hot water system's to warm rooms and feed baths and sinks.
In warmer climates solar hot water can provide about 85 per cent of a home's hot water needs.
There are many benefits to using solar power - especially hot water systems - but there are drawbacks as well which may answer the question of why it is not the leading source of our personal energy usage.
With more people turning to renewable energy and more countries determined to lower their use of fossil fuels, solar energy could be a leading way to generate electricity. The International Energy Agency predicts that by 2060 it could account for a third of the world's energy needs.
Will you be investing in the future of solar? Read more about it here our
solar hot water offering and take advantage of this renewable energy.
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