Most traditional heat pumps work by transferring heat from one place to another. Instead of generating heat, these appliances extract heat from the air outside a home or an enclosed structure and transfer it to a refrigeration coolant within the unit.
As the coolant compresses, its temperature increases. The temperature of the air also changes as it passes over the warm coolant. The heat processed by the heat pump is then distributed within an enclosed space to provide warmth to the environment.
Due to their effect on the temperature of the air moving through the pump, refrigerants play a crucial role in the heat cycle. Basically, refrigerants are substances that can transition from a liquid to a gaseous state as heat pumps move heat from one location to another. These chemical substances are heavily regulated by authorised agencies to ensure their safety.
The WISELIVING’s R32 Hydronic Heat Pump relies on environmentally-friendly refrigerants. This hydronic heat pump system uses R32 refrigerant to deliver comfortable warmth to homes. R32 is an eco-friendly alternative to other types of refrigerants available on the market today.
According to Climate Control News, R32 was introduced in Australia as a replacement for HCFC refrigerants that were being gradually phased out such as R410A. This is primarily due to the compound’s eco-friendly nature. It has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 675, which is significantly lower than other refrigerants such as R22, R134A, and R410A. The GWP ratings of these substances range from 1,700 to 1,890. These GWP measurements indicate the gasses’ potential to contribute to global warming.
In addition, R32 has zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), which means it doesn’t harm the ozone layer. A significant advantage of R32 is its relatively short atmospheric lifetime. This term refers to the time it takes before greenhouse gasses completely disappear from the atmosphere. R32 has an atmospheric lifetime of less than five years. However, other common kinds of refrigerants like R410A and R11, can stay in the atmosphere for between 17 to 45 years.
Aside from R32’s environmentally-friendly characteristics, this substance is also known for its general safety. As mentioned earlier, refrigerants and other gasses are heavily regulated. Compared to other known refrigerants, R32 has lower toxicity and flammability ratings, making it safer to use in home heat pump systems.
WISELIVING’s R32 Hydronic Heat Pump is also classed as the safest refrigerant out of all Class A substances making it the most eco-friendly and safe of all the commonly used refrigerants. By using a hydronic heat pump with this refrigerant, you’ll be able to significantly reduce the environmental impact of your home.
It can help you achieve a sustainable lifestyle by limiting your home’s greenhouse gas emissions.
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